The Industrial Revolution

Industrialization, a process in which a country or city undergoes a change in how they work using machines. Some countries that was affected by this process back in the 1700s are Europe, the Americas, and Asia.


A painting of a city during the Industrial revolution


One of the countries that would surely prosper economy-wise is Britain. The three main factors of production was plentiful in this country, those factors are: land, labor and capital.Image


Mass production, a system that was used to produce goods in bulk and in uniform. This was a wonderful innovation that the United States developed, along that innovation was the invention of interchangeable parts and the assembly line.



Energy was also a huge factor during the Industrial Revolution, around the time where Industrialization spread across Europe, the energy of steam power was developed and harness. The energy of steam power helped the advancement of machines and transportations.Image


During the Industrial Revolution, citizens still wanted more power, for quicker and cleaner productivity. During the 1800s scientist were trying to find a way to harness the power of Electricity. This lead to the use of lightbulbs, invented by Thomas Edison.


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